Thursday, 19 November 2015


Year two have had a fabulous day doing team games and getting really muddy!! They're now in their pj's reading some stories. 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Fantastic homework!

Year two have made a great start to the school year. I was so pleased to see all the hard work that the children and their families had put into their holiday homework!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Sunday, 8 March 2015

6.3.15 stars of the week

Oli was chosen for writing an excellent persuasive letter in role as black crayon! He remembered to use exclamation marks and question marks in his letter. Well done Oli!

Charlotte was chosen for her confident role play. She pretended to have a telephone call with other crayons in role as black crayon. She used lots of expression in her acting. Well done Charlotte! 

Thursday, 5 March 2015

World Book Day!

All of year 2 looked fantastic in their costumes! It was lovely to see the children so excited about their favourite books! 

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Stars of the week 6.2.15

Year two have been working incredibly hard all week so it has been a tricky decision to pick only two stars.

Phoebe was chosen as a star of the week for her big effort with her writing. She is now remembering to use her phonics sounds to help her to spell long words. Well done Phoebe! Keep up the hard work!

Corey was chosen as a star of the week for his enthusiastic and sensible attitude to all of his learning this week. Well done Corey! 

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Stars of the week 23.1.15

Annie really impressed me with her neatly presented handwriting this week! Keep up the hard work Annie!

George has been chosen as a star of the week because of his fantastic effort in his homework and in his reading at home.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Stars of the week 9.1.15

It was a really tricky choice for the stars of the week because the children did so much fantastic homework over the Christmas holidays!

I chose James for his research into flags and his very neat presentation. 

I also chose Keeley for finding out about recipes from around the world and for her super map of the world!