Thursday, 18 December 2014

Christmas baking!

Year 1 have been doing some Christmas baking and have made mince pies!!

We needed to make pastry first so we started by rubbing the butter and flour together...

Then we mixed icing sugar and egg into our mixture...

After that we wrapped the pastry in cling film and popped it in the fridge whilst we went out to play. When we came back from playtime we used a rolling pin to roll the pastry out into a thin layer.

We cut out circles for the bottom of our mince pies and then we used Christmas cutters to make shapes for the top once we had spooned mincemeat into the middle. 

Mrs Bridge very kindly cooked the mince pies for us in the school kitchen; they smelt delicious when they came out of the oven!

We hope that our families enjoy them...if Year 1 don't eat them all first!!! 

Monday, 15 December 2014

Christmas Party

On Monday, Year 1 and 2 had a Christmas Party! We put on our party clothes and had a great time dancing, playing games and even saying hello to a very special visitor!