Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Goldilocks and Just the One Bear

This week we have been reading the story of Goldilocks and Just the One Bear.

We have had lots of fun pretending to be the different characters in the story. We looked at a page in the story and used role play to invent speech that the characters might say to each other.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Stars of the week for 20.6.14

Shanti and Darragh are the year two stars of the week. Shanti wrote a fantastic report about nocturnal animals. Darragh has been working really hard in numeracy.
Here is some of their super work! 

Shanti used lots of different connectives and she wrote some very interesting facts!

Darragh has been splitting up 2 digit numbers to add them together. He set out his calculations very clearly!