Thursday, 18 December 2014

Christmas baking!

Year 1 have been doing some Christmas baking and have made mince pies!!

We needed to make pastry first so we started by rubbing the butter and flour together...

Then we mixed icing sugar and egg into our mixture...

After that we wrapped the pastry in cling film and popped it in the fridge whilst we went out to play. When we came back from playtime we used a rolling pin to roll the pastry out into a thin layer.

We cut out circles for the bottom of our mince pies and then we used Christmas cutters to make shapes for the top once we had spooned mincemeat into the middle. 

Mrs Bridge very kindly cooked the mince pies for us in the school kitchen; they smelt delicious when they came out of the oven!

We hope that our families enjoy them...if Year 1 don't eat them all first!!! 

Monday, 15 December 2014

Christmas Party

On Monday, Year 1 and 2 had a Christmas Party! We put on our party clothes and had a great time dancing, playing games and even saying hello to a very special visitor! 

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Stars of the week 21.11.14

The stars of the week are Harry and Kyle for making excellent progress in numeracy this term.

Here are examples of their numeracy work.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Stars of the week 7.11.14

Maisy and Kasey are this week's stars.
They both took part in all of the activities at our residential and showed super behaviour for the whole trip!
Well done Kasey and Maisy. 

Photos of the residential will be posted soon! 

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Stars of the week 17.10.14

This week year two have been working really hard to measure objects in centimetres.

We chose Brandon as the star of the week because he was able to measure objects to the nearest half centimetre!

In literacy, we have been learning about the features of an information page and learning why they are important.

We chose Sian as the other star of the week because she was able to identify lots of features and explain how they are used! 

Who will be the stars of the week next? 

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Stars of the week 3.10.14

This week we have chosen...

Charlotte for her quick recall of number bonds to 10! 

Oli for trying so hard to improve his handwriting. 

Monday, 29 September 2014

Stars of the week 26.9.14

We are really proud of all the super writers in year two but these two children really stood out this week so they are the stars of the week.

Lincoln and Sakana both wrote fantastic riddles using rhyming words! 

Who will be the stars of the week next? 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

12.9.14 Stars of the week!

Everyone worked so hard last week but the stars of the week really stood out for their super effort.

Patrick impressed the adults in year two with his partitioning of numbers to 50.

Keeley wrote an excellent description of a character from the book 'The Troll.'

Well done Patrick and Keeley!

Who will be the stars of the week next? 

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

5.9.14 stars of the week

All of year two had a fantastic week so this was a tricky decision!

We chose Phoebe for being a kind member of the class and for being a super helper.
We also chose Rihanna for being so polite, kind and thoughtful towards her friends and towards adults.

Welcome to year 2!

The children have been settling in incredibly well to year two! 

They have enjoyed starting their topic called 'Fire! Fire!' They have also been having fun in the role play fire station! 

Last week we wrote about ourselves and drew our self portraits! Can you recognise who's who on our classroom display?

This week we have started a book called The Troll by Julia Donaldson. So far we have written fantastic descriptions of the troll! We are excited to read more of the story over the next few weeks. 

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Goldilocks and Just the One Bear

This week we have been reading the story of Goldilocks and Just the One Bear.

We have had lots of fun pretending to be the different characters in the story. We looked at a page in the story and used role play to invent speech that the characters might say to each other.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Stars of the week for 20.6.14

Shanti and Darragh are the year two stars of the week. Shanti wrote a fantastic report about nocturnal animals. Darragh has been working really hard in numeracy.
Here is some of their super work! 

Shanti used lots of different connectives and she wrote some very interesting facts!

Darragh has been splitting up 2 digit numbers to add them together. He set out his calculations very clearly! 

Monday, 24 February 2014

Stars of the week for 14.2.14

Year 2 stars of the week are Jac and Annalei for super symmetry work in maths! 
Here is some of their work. 

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Welcome back!

This term we are learning all about pirates! We will be reading lots of pirate stories and learning about our author of the month who is Julia Donaldson. 

Have a look at our pirate reading corner!